Tag Archive | Crazy Body Painting

CRAZY, AMAZING and FUN Trash-the-Dress Project – Gananoque Wedding Photographer

Trash the Dress 18

This is part two of my Trash the Dress Project.
for Part ONE Check out Biker Bridal Attitude in an earlier blog post.
This was my first wedding dress. It was 1994, I was young… but alas, it didn’t work out, and the dress has been stored away for years. When I stumbled upon it recently, I decided that I needed to do SOMETHING with it. Donating it to Value Village didn’t seem right… nobody – not even a stranger – should get married in a dress that’s a product of DIVORCE (not once but TWICE…while I was still married, I loaned it to a friend who had no money to buy a dress of her own… and she’s divorced too!!!!)
So, instead of just letting it sit there and be eaten by moths, I decided that there MUST be a creative outlet… and of course there WAS. I found not one but TWO willing models, and took some cool Harley Shots with my friend Karin- then I got really crazy with my 18 year old friend Lexi who was willing to do just about anything. Cool coincidence… the dress is just as old as she is.

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Lexi was a spectacular model

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sayings about LOVE

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we could be a commercial for Sharpie!

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this was my favourite saying on the dress- Lexi’s idea.

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Loving the evening sunlight

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in love with sun flare!

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Hayley was an amazing artistic assistant

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of course she needed to get WET!!

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and then we REALLY trashed it!

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kinda cute!

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Lexi- you rocked it!

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My favourite shot from our day